List of Member-Supported Voluntary Organizations

350MA.orghttp://350mass.betterfutureproject.orgRon Riggert
AARP Tax Guide Motyka
Abby's House Worcester Strugis
ACC Personnel Committee Testa
Amazing Things Art Center (IT Support) DiPace
American Legionhttps://www.legion.orgDick Testa, Jim Metcalf
Billerica Ham Radio Fraser
Boston Area Gleanors Iberg
Boy Scouts of Americahttp://www.scouting.orgChris Hammer
Brigham & Womens (teaching) Persson
Call2Talk: We're Here to Listen Mattes
Council on Aging, Weston, MA Thielscher
Counsel of Aging- Acton Motyka
Country Day School - Pen Pal program Persson
Descendant of Mayflower Societyhttps://www.themayflowersociety.orgBill Ely
Emerson Hospitalhttps://www.emersonhospital.orgBob Malnati
Emily Dickenson International Society Fraser
F.I.S.H. Marlborough Vifquain, Dan Verrico
F.I.S.H. Sudbury Hammer, Bob Diefenbacher, Sam Merra, Lou Petrovic
Framingham Community Center Mack
Friends of Assabet River National Wildlife Refugehttp://www.farnwr.orgRon Riggert
Friends of Sudbury Seniors Bausk, Bob Diefenbacher, Sam Merra
Habitat for Humanity Verrico
Highland Glee Club Mack
Knights of Columbus Hammer, Terry Keeney, Bob Hyotte, Larry Vifquain, Bob Malnati
Lions Club, Acton, MAhttp://www.actonlions.orgBob Malnati
Maine Coast Hetritage Trust Beard
Meals on Wheelshttp://www.mealsonwheelsamerica.orgJoe Bausk, Dean Horman, Paul Motyka
MFA (video support) Bulbrook
New Horizons volunteer driver Cooke
Sages and Seekers Atkins, Al Persson
Salvation Army (music) Ladoulis
Stonefield Farms Acton Iberg
Sudbury Food Pantryhttp://sudburyfoodpantry.orgBob Hyotte, Lou Petrovic, Jim Carlton, Pat Mullen
Sudbury Historical Societyhttp://www.sudbury01776.orgJoe Bausk
Sudbury Methodist Church Cooke
Sudbury Senior Centerhttps://sudburyseniorcenter.orgJoe Bausk, Bob Lieberman, Lou Petrovic
Sudbury Valley Trustees Tafuri, John Beard, Jorgen Hansen
Sudbury VFW Post 8771 Fraleigh
The Ascension Parish Sudbury/Maynard Vifquain, Chris Hammer, Frank Wilson, Bob Hyotte
Town of Sudbury Bennett
Trustees of the Allen Fund Patterson
U.U. Urban Ministries (Roxbury) Beard
Walker Meadows (fixit, rides, helping hand) Mullen
Waltahm Soup Kitchen Kudirka
Wayland Community Fund Patterson
Wellesley Community Centerhttp://www.wellesleycommunitycenter.orgMerrill Mack
Weston Garden Club (video support) Bulbrook