September 24th RMA RAIL TRAIL bike trip

We will meet at 9 AM at the Wayland library on Tuesday September 24th. 9 MILES ROUND TRIP.

The rail trail runs from the Wayland library through Weston and terminates just before crossing Rte 128 into Waltham

The down and back distance is under 9 miles fully paved.

If you are interested in this ride, please email Ross Trimby at rtrimby@gmail.com.


On September 24: Arnold Arboretum Hike, 11:00.  No physical challenges.  Start at 11:00 to let traffic die down.

Please join us for a one-hour stroll on paved paths.  The Arnold Arboretum is 281 acres and has over 15,000 plants.  Founded in 1872, it is the oldest public arboretum in North America.  It is open daily from sunrise to sunset and admission is free.
Meet at 11:00 AM at the Hunnewell Visitor Center, 125 Arborway, Boston, MA 02130, shown at the top of this map:  https://arboretum.harvard.edu/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/Arnold-Arboretum-Map_8.2022.pdf.  Free parking is available along the Arborway, Bussey Street, and Walter Street.
Spouses and friends are welcome.  Please let me know if you are interested in carpooling or have any questions.  Chris Goff, 508-259-3204, chrisxgoff@gmail.com




Wedgewood Pines Country Club
215 Harvard Road, Stow
Wednesday September 25, 2024
From 5:00 to 9:00PM
Price per person $60
Cocktails and refreshments– 5:00pm
❖ Excellent dinner at 6:00pm
❖ Entres: Steak – Salmon – Chicken – Veggie
❖ Dessert with coffee and tea
❖ Dance music by our own Ken Watson!
Wedgewood Pines is an easy drive – less traffic
Send check made out to Retired Men’s Association to RMA PO Box 261, Wayland 01778
Need more information? Contact Brian Johannson at brianj2022@aol.com 617-775-0957

On October 22: Tippling Rock Hike,  10:00, for peak foliage.  A brief steep pitch to the top.

Please join us for a 90-minute hike at Sudbury’s Tippling Rock conservation land, for what we hope will be views of peak foliage.  The terrain is moderate with a short steep section to get to the top of Tippling Rock.
Meet at 10:00 AM in the parking area at 641 Boston Post Rd.  Heading west on route 20, the entrance is on the left soon after Horse Pond Road and looks like a narrow, unpaved driveway, at the top of this map:  https://cdn.sudbury.ma.us/wp-content/uploads/sites/273/2023/12/Tippling-Rock-Wiesblatt-Trail-Map-2023.pdf?version=974b0d3ee5d1b8c2e4bbb79b39eb1877.
Spouses and friends are welcome.  Please let me know if you have any questions.  Chris Goff, 508-259-3204, chrisxgoff@gmail.com


Boston Symphony Orchestra – Open Rehearsal at Symphony Hall , Boston: November 7th, 10:30 AM

Duke Ellington, Anniversary Celebration

Car Pool Available

General Admission — $10/person, RMA will be seated as a group

Contact Joe Bausk, joebausk@verizon.net


Sudbury Senior Center Trips for 2024 (contact Joe Bausk):

September 10 – 12th 2024 – Multi-Day trip to Bar Harbor and Arcadia National Park. We will also be stopping in Portland and Freeport ME. $749.00 pp D0 (BOT)
October 23, 2024 – Fall Foliage Train Ride on the Winnipesaukee Railroad with luncheon from Hart’s Turkey Farm right onboard. BYOB! $127.00 (Royal Tours)
December 2024 – Reagle Theater and lunch at the Chateau in Waltham.
More details coming.
Contact: Joe Bausk joebausk@verizon.net