Next RMA Meeting: Friday, JUNE 09 in Person and via Zoom
RMA Speaker Presentation
Date – JUNE 09, 2023
Time – 10:00 AM
Location –
First Baptist Church, by reservation
Zoom – link will be sent a few days prior to meeting
Introduction – Larry Vifquain
Topic – This presentation will introduce the concept of Applied Improvisation (AIM). AIM is an novel, experiential learning process that is increasingly being leveraged to improve the business competencies of professional staff, managers, and executives.
Speaker: Theodor Klein
Theodor Klein is Managing Partner at the Boston Strategy Group (BSG). Mr. Klein has over 40 years of executive management experience at several premier consulting firms, and was the CEO of Boston Systems Group, named one of America’s 100 leading consulting firms. Mr. Klein has led over 350 engagements for global corporate, healthcare, university, and government institutions, across four continents. He has served on the management faculty at Boston University, Boston College, and the University of
Massachusetts in Management, Marketing, and Information Technology. He has been an avid improvisation student for the last four years and writes frequently on applied improvisation developments. Mr. Klein holds an MBA from Boston University, and undergraduate degrees in Mathematics and in the Social Sciences. An avid sailor, he crossed the Atlantic in a 62 foot gaff-rigged schooner over a five week period, when he was still young and adventurous
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